

Dec 11, 2023

The art of leaning against the wind inside an emergency blanket

The western wind blows hard when you’re facing into it atop a ridge on the Marin Headlands, and harder still when you are holding up a Mylar emergency blanket that sticks to you like cellophane, until little pieces of the blanket start to tear off and fly away.

That is the obvious message in Minoosh Zomorodinia’s video installation “Sensation,” which opened Jan. 25 at the San Francisco Arts Commission Galleries. The less obvious message is that this blanket is what refugees receive from the Red Cross upon arrival in the United States, and by using it as a sail Zomorodinia feels the intense pressure pushing her back and struggles for the strength to resist it.

“A couple of times I was about to fall off the cliff,” says Zomorodinia, 46, an interdisciplinary artist from Albany who grew up in Tehran. She submitted “Sensation” to the group show “Part and Parcel,” sponsored by the San Francisco Arts Commission.

Curated by Taraneh Hemami, who teaches at the California College of the Arts, the exhibition is timed to the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. “Four contemporary artists of the Iranian Diaspora examine geographies of belonging,” is the subtitle, with the other three being Tannaz Farsi, Gelare Khoshgozaran and Sahar Khoury.

“My practice is about my connection in nature,” says Zomorodinia, who was 7 when the Shah of Iran was exiled. “Some people see it as political, but it is just an expression of my feeling about everything that is around me.”

What Zomorodinia likes to feel around her is wind, which has played a role in several of her pieces. For this one she ordered a dozen of the emergency blankets online, while in the Djerassi Resident Artists Program in the hills west of Woodside, in 2016.

The artist then hiked up on a trail to feel the full brunt of the autumn wind blowing off the Pacific. She set up her video camera on a tripod and stood there for at least four hours to get one usable minute, with the wind blowing just right.

At the same time she was an affiliate artist at Headlands Center for the Arts, so she took her blanket there and got blown twice as hard as at Djerassi. To finish the piece, she brought her human weather-vane act to her native Iran and set up her camera at Mount Taleghan, immediately after a snowstorm.

“That was the shortest one, maybe 45 minutes or an hour,” she says. “It was too cold to stand there any longer.”

The three locations were edited into several short clips that project onto screens on opposite walls in an enclosed gallery, forming a two-channel video. While seated on a bench on the perpendicular wall, a viewer can see both channels at once and watch Zomorodinia on a continuous loop of walking to her perch, covering herself with the blanket and then standing there with her arms out to her sides to form a T as she gets blown away, then goes back to start over.

In this sense it is an action film, with the soundtrack blowing a gale.

“She’s really fighting to stay upright,” says Meg Shiffler, director of SFAC Galleries, while seated on the bench, watching the show. “The wind pushes the blanket against her body and she pushes back against invisible forces.”

“Sensation”: Video installation. 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday, as part of the group show “Part and Parcel.” Free. San Francisco Arts Commission Main Gallery, 401 Van Ness Ave., Suite 126, S.F.

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